Coffeeaddiction’s Blog

February 22, 2009

My Queen – 敗犬女王

Filed under: 敗犬女王 Queen — chipsandtofu @ 1:53 pm

7 episodes aired so far.

My Queen: I was a bit hesitant about Ethan taking on “older-girl-younger-guy” coupling role. SETTV tried so many times to make the male characters act younger than their age. (Ying Ye 3+1, Bull Fightting, need I say more?) But Ethan was completely convincing in his role of “25-year-old who smiles on the outside, but bleeds on the inside because of his dead girlfriend”. A lot of storylines are recycled, but it depends on how you spin it that differentiates your story from other dramas, and the way the actors portray their character. The chemistry between Ethan and Cheryl was astounding. Cheryl exudes the right mix of tenacity and vulnerability as WS, so it plays off perfectly against Ethan’s warm-heartedness and naivty/masculine maturity(?). He radiates a manly charisma and confidence you feel like he can take on WS. She needs a strong man otherwise she’d crush him, because she’s already a strong character (on the outside) herself. I like this balance of comedy, genuine emotional struggle, smooth plot and character development, and yet it is paced well. So far so good. one more thing: ep 8’s preview made me teary =( this isn’t suppose to happen when you watch previews!

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